Saudi Arabia's leadership has attached particular importance to the field of occupational safety and health. It has assumed the task of maintaining the health and safety of workers, property and the environment. It has developed policies and regulations in accordance with domestic standards, international treaties and conventions to which the Kingdom is a party.

Over the past years, the Kingdom has been able to achieve many achievements in the field of occupational safety and health; As a result of its programmes and initiatives, as well as the improvement and enactment of relevant legislation, regulations and regulations at the national level, this effort has led to many achievements in the international arena, including the application of the provisions of the ILO conventions

The National Council for Occupational Safety and Health is the Saudi umbrella for workers' safety and health, through the governance of occupational safety and health, the identification and coordination of roles between the relevant government agencies, the follow-up of the implementation of the national policy for occupational safety and health, as well as awareness about the importance of occupational safety and health, to be a leading model in this field at the global level.

The development of a national strategy for occupational safety and health and the development of a national system for reporting accidents, injuries and occupational diseases are a motivation to make the working environment in the Kingdom a safe and healthy environment, which in turn attracts national and international cadres and is based on the application of the best relevant international standards and practices in the field of occupational safety and health

In view of recent challenges and developments in the labour market, the Kingdom remains committed to promoting occupational safety and health as an integral part of Vision 2030, in creating a competitive and effective labour market that enhances the position of the Kingdom's economy

Ensuring the safety of the working environment, and ensuring that workers return home safely at the end of each day, is a prerequisite for the successful operation of any organization or establishment, which is not only a legal obligation under the regulations and decisions established by the Kingdom, but also reflects the serious endeavour of employers to maintain the safety of workers and the working environment

Engineer / Majid bin Ibrahim Al-Fawiz

Secretary General of the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health