The reality of occupational safety and health in the Kingdom is witnessing a qualitative shift as a result of the broad development that is constantly taking place in the Kingdom in various economic and industrial fields. This development is accompanied by a change in the practical environment, as production fields have diversified and the number of workers has doubled, and with this continuous growth; Challenges in the field of occupational safety and health have increased, and standards have emerged that include all procedures, policies and systems that guarantee the protection and preservation of human health and reduce the risks of injury during work.

Given the Kingdom’s leading position in the field of occupational safety and health in the region, and based on the humanitarian and moral responsibility it bears; It sought to keep pace with this rapid growth in the economic and industrial sectors, by reviewing and improving occupational safety and health policies at the national level. It approved regulations aimed at protecting the basic elements of production, the most important of which is the human element, and issued regulations related to protecting the worker and compensating him for injuries or work risks in the workplace. Kingdom, and take all precautions that will protect workers and facilities, and increase the level of production, which enhances the wheel of industrial and economic development

The Council of Ministers’ approval to organize the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health came as an extension of the continuous government support enjoyed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development system to achieve the goals of Saudi Vision 2030 and the labor market strategy in the field of occupational safety and health, and in close cooperation with representatives of national authorities related to the field of occupational safety and health. The Council works to raise the efficiency and attractiveness of the labor market, and contribute to the growth of the Kingdom’s economy by increasing the rate of compliance of establishments and securing work environments for workers, which encourages entrepreneurs and capital owners to invest in the Saudi market, which these legislations make it a promising market that fulfills the aspirations of the Kingdom’s ambitious vision.

His Excellency Engineer Ahmed bin Sulaiman Al-Jarhi

Chairman of the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health

Minister of Human Resources and Social Development